Expectations Appear To Be Falling in Line

The New York Fed’s Consumer Expectations Survey indicates that inflation expectations have returned to pre-COVID levels across all horizons, aligning with other inflation forecasts.

It’s worth noting that despite the Federal Reserve raising interest rates to their highest levels in 23 years, inflation still remains a challenge. Surprisingly, recent reports suggest that price pressures may resurface. However, there are signs that the Fed has managed to influence consumers to lower their expectations of inflation. This is evident from the New York Fed’s survey of consumer expectations, which shows that inflation expectations have returned to levels seen before the COVID-19 pandemic. This aligns with other measures of inflation expectations as well.

The New York Fed’s Consumer Expectations Survey indicates that inflation expectations have returned to pre-COVID levels across all horizons, aligning with other inflation forecasts.

Following a statement made by a member of the Consumer Product Safety Commission appointed by President Biden, suggesting a potential ban on gas stoves, the White House clarified that the president does not support such a measure.

During a White House electrification event in December, the executive chairman of Rewiring America, Laskey, highlighted the environmental benefits of electrification. He emphasized that approximately 42% of emissions are a result of decisions made at kitchen tables, including the choice of vehicles, home heating methods, cooking appliances, and laundry practices. Laskey further emphasized the advantages of clean electric machines, stating that they offer superior performance, affordability, reliability, and an overall improvement in people’s quality of life.

It is worth noting that Democrat-led cities have already begun implementing gas stove bans, which will impact millions of individuals.

While Laskey was introduced as the chair of Rewiring America during the White House event, he is also involved in various green ventures and has generated significant profits from the sale of another company.

In 2018, he joined the board of Arcadia Power, an online utility company dedicated to expanding access to renewable energy. With substantial seed funding, Arcadia Power aims to combat climate change by challenging the dominance of fossil fuels.